Does Your Teen Have An Opiate Addiction?

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Opiate use is on the rise in teenagers, and many families are going to be faced with the challenges that come with helping loved ones get the treatment they need. For some parents, they are hesitant to confront their teens about suspected use because they are not sure there is an addiction present. If you are unsure if your teen is abusing opiates, here is what you need to know.

What Are the Signs?

Ignoring the signs of an opiate addiction is not an option. If your teen is showing signs, it is important that you take steps to get him or her treatment.

Sometimes, the signs of an opiate addiction can resemble that of normal teenage behavior. However, an opiate addiction will cause signs that will progress and worsen over time. Unfortunately, your teen might seem unrecognizable at times.

The signs can include depression, hostility, frequent fatigue, and a change in grooming habits. You should also be wary if your teen's academic performance has declined and he or she is missing school. An addiction can even cause a change in your teen's interactions and relationships with friends and family.

He or she might also have sudden scratching around the arms, stomach, and legs. Opiate use can cause drooping eyes and a flushed face.

What Should You Do?

It is important to be prepared for resistance from your teen. He or she might deny using drugs and become angry and verbally lash out when questioned about using. However, it is important that your teen know that you are aware that he or she is struggling with an addiction.

One of the most important steps you can take to prepare for a discussion with your teen is to talk to drug addiction specialists. They can review the signs you have noticed and help determine if there is a need for treatment. If so, they can provide you with advice for talking to your teen.

When talking with your teen, try to avoid making accusations. Explain to him or her your concerns and the signs that you have witnessed. If your teen is willing to get help, look for a drug treatment program that focuses on teenagers.

If he or she is refusing help, schedule a consultation with an opiate addiction treatment specialist. He or she can talk to your teen and discuss the ins and outs of getting treatment. There is a good chance that your teen is fearful of treatment. Receiving the reassurances of a professional could be what is needed to push him or her towards treatment. 
