4 Ways An Opthamologist Can Help You

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If it’s been some time since you’ve been to the eye doctor, now is a good time to schedule a check-up. In order to keep your eyes healthy, it’s really best to see an eye doctor on a regular basis. This way if any issues arise or if you need a new prescription, your doctor can help you. Even if you feel fine and think that you’re able to see well, there could be hidden issues present.…

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4 Tips For Maintaining Healthy Eyes

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Eye health is a topic that many people don’t think about until they are experiencing vision problems. Knowing a few simple tricks for keeping your eyes healthy can help you maintain good vision well into older age. Here are four tips that anyone can use to keep their eyes healthy. Eat an Eye-Healthy Diet You may be surprised to learn that what you eat can have a huge impact on your eye health.…

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Is It True Radiation Can Hurt Your Ability To Produce Eggs And Get Pregnant?

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Although radiation therapy can be an effective treatment for cancers and tumors, there’s no denying it can cause some life-changing side effects. One complication that can occur is the radiation can damage the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, or cause early menopause, which may lead to temporary or permanent infertility. If your doctor has recommended radiation therapy to treat your disease and you want to protect you ability to have children in the future, here are three options available to you.…

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3 Tips For Parents On How To Deal With A Child Being Bullied

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No child wants to hear that their child is being bullied, but statistics show that around one in four kids across the country are bullied on a regular basis. Therefore, it’s important parents are fully equipped to deal with the problem. If you are worried about your child being bullied, follow these three tips to handle the problem effectively:  Notice the Signs of Bullying As a parent, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs that your child is being bullied.…

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Spine Surgery And Important Information About Braces

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If you need a spine surgery to fuse two or more spinal vertebrae together, then one of your best options for success is to make sure that you choose to allow a neurosurgeon to complete the procedure for you. Your surgery will most likely be scheduled some time in advance, and this is ideal to allow you to prepare for the recovery afterwards. In some cases, you may feel pain and soreness for three to six months after the operation.…

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5 Common Tricep Training Mistakes

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To get the best results from your workout, it’s important to focus carefully on each muscle group. Without the right exercises, you’re unlikely to get the size or definition you want, and you may even cause a serious injury. Like any other muscle group, your triceps need a dedicated exercise routine that focuses your efforts where you really need them. Make sure you have envy-inducing triceps, and avoid the five following mistakes that many of your gym buddies are likely to make.…

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Dangerous Addictions: The Effects Of Chemical Dependency On Your Libido

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If you have a chemical dependency problem, it may eventually affect your libido. Libido describes your interest in intimacy with your loved one. Chemical dependency can create many side effects, such as anxiety, anger and a loss of energy when you don’t have access to drugs or alcohol. Because a strong libido depends on being personally, physically and emotionally healthy, you may have problems with intimacy. You can protect your relationship and health by seeking treatment for your chemical dependency.…

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3 Ways Your Doctor Might Treat Your Sleep Apnea

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After you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it can be scary to listen to the trail of complications that this common sleep disorder can cause. In addition to daytime grogginess and loud snoring, you might also be worried when you hear that sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, liver problems, and even depression. Fortunately, you might be able to find relief from all of these symptoms by working with your doctor.…

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Dry Eyes: 8 Natural Solutions To Help Hydrate The Eyes

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Dry eyes is a condition that can cause irritation, itchiness and discomfort.  If you have discovered through eye exams that you are not producing enough tears to properly moisturize and lubricate your eyes, along with any prescriptions or medicated tear drops you optometrist suggests, try these 8 natural solutions to help you cope with the pain and allow your eyes to better hydrate themselves. Consider Having A Lipiflow Treatment Tears are essential in the proper function and working condition of the eye.…

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